With a great interest in music of all kinds on early records, over the years I have amassed a modest collection of 78s and LPs from the turn of the last century to the present. This includes some rarely seen 16 inch radio "transcription" discs. Of course, one has to have the correct machines to play them on!! I find it very satisfying to listen to the records on the machines they were meant to be played on when they were new.
1918 Brunswick Ultona Model S "All Phonographs in One" Gramaphone
Did you know that there were 3 different kinds of records in the early days?
This plays machine was state of the art, and could play
lateral "standard" 78's, as well as Pathe and Edison vertical discs, using a special rotating
reproducer with 3 separate stylii.
1959 Garrard 4HF Turntable
1946 Zenith 6R087 Radio/Record Player
Pull open the door, slide out the turntable and stack up to 10 records.
Shut the door and have a swing dance!!
1930 Northern Electric 202 Desktop phone with spit cup
The 202 required a separate box to hold the bells and switchgear.
Just the dial mechanism was in the actual phone.
1950 Northern Electric 302 Desk Top
1963 Northern Electric 500 Desk Top
All my phones work and are used daily!!